The SONshine Project is a 501c3 EIN 86-2305492
The SONshine Project is a 501c3 EIN 86-2305492
The SONshine Project is a 501c3 EIN 86-2305492

The SONshine Project...
Opening the Doors of Opportunity for Boys

“1 out 6 Black men, by the age of 25-54, have dropped out of daily (American) life” New York Times 2019

We believe disengaged boys lead to invisible men.

Studies show boys benefit particularly well from mentorship and guidance.
Let’s pour into this valuable part of American society.

The SONshine Project is a 501c3 EIN 86-2305492

Our Mission

The SONshine Project seeks to provide young men with targeted exposures to STEAM, Health/Wellness & Financial and Civic Engagement through sessions with experts and business leaders leading to measurable outcomes. The PRACTICE will include a “community classroom” and support network of volunteers who will work to help these young men develop new insights, goals and a vision of themselves and what’s possible.

The SONshine Project seeks to support boys with quantifiable outcomes through programming while also providing financial and other support to existing organizations and or individuals who are aligned with the mission as stated.

Our Why

Studies and statistics confirm that black boys are disproportionately expelled from school and incarcerated ushering in lives riddled with limitations and debilitating challenges. The ability of a community to thrive rests on providing a balance of opportunities for both its men and women.

Our Founder

A native Detroiter, Lauren has created a successful media/ marketing career both on and off camera.  Most notably she was a news anchor for Detroit’s NBC affiliate for many years while also developing a robust career as both a voiceover and on-camera corporate talent.   She grew up on the northeast side of Detroit where she lived with her mother and grandparents.  She attended  Renaissance High School, The University of Michigan and Wayne State’s Law School.  She’s a lover of learning, knowledge, justice and she believes in being actively compassionate.

While she’s had a successful working career outside the home, her heart has always been driven toward creating and elevating an active family life. After raising 3 high performing, conscientious boys and enjoying a great relationship with her step son, Lauren is taking her parenting experiences, her understanding of brain development, self esteem, professional workplace requirements and the ever changing world of career opportunities  to create The SONshine Project’s mission to uplift boys.  

Engaging a network of community members and organizations, that she has grown organically  after 20+ years in media and in business in metro Detroit, The SONshine Project’s  programs are designed around bridging the gaps between the vast potential in boys in underserved communities and the exciting opportunities to contribute in our society. The SONshine Project draws from a deep network of people who volunteer their time to support programs through presentations, field trips and hands-on activities.