The SONshine Project is a 501c3 EIN 86-2305492
The SONshine Project is a 501c3 EIN 86-2305492



Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math

The world is rapidly changing and technology is leading the evolving landscape of innovations and opportunities to work and create in these industries.

How can one aspire to be a software engineer if one doesn’t know what a software engineer does? Why would one aspire to be a drone pilot if one doesn’t know of the demand for certified drone piloting skills.

We provide fun, industry niche activities like drone piloting lessons. We are pleased to provide appearances by industry experts who share their knowledge and guidance. Participants will enjoy field trips and hands on learning along with curated in-person and video presentations.

Our community classroom will put our participants in the midst of learning, doing and envisioning how they can be apart of this expanding creative community and workforce that is affecting almost every part of our lives.

Health & Wellness

Our health is our wealth and in underserved communities, a lack of resources, information, mobility and access are contributing factors in creating deep disparities in good health outcomes, resulting in a prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, anxiety and other debilitating conditions.

We share information with our participants that establishes what holistic health is and ways it can be achieved. Information is a first critical step. 

According to the American Bar Association, “Without the proper nutritional education, underserved populations will not know what it means to choose healthy food options and what options are available. Researchers have found that when the above factors are addressed, there are still high rates of junk food consumption and obesity in impoverished communities if they aren’t educated about healthy food options. Therefore, the communities require proper education about purchasing healthy food and what a balanced meal looks like.”

Learning to pay attention and attend to mental health and relationship outcomes will be supported with licensed therapists leading conversations that include sharing easy to access techniques and practices designed to help participants learn ways to help manage life’s up’s and down’s.

Exercise fuels both our brains and our bodies.  Participants will enjoy trying various exercises and body training that will help them learn the power of a strong body.   

Financial Literacy

Money is one of the most important tools that affects all of society.  Understanding how to earn and utilize money is key.  Participants will be exposed to expert guidance on money systems and how best to navigate them to create financial security.

Additionally, with the advent of crypto currency and fintech, the world of money is changing like rapid fire and if you don’t understand what’s new and next  you are less likely to maximize your earnings and therefore your time.

We will share key financial literacy principles with participants through workshops and presentations that outline key how to’s designed to set our participants on track for creating financial strength.

Civic Engagement

American citizens have an opportunity to make decisions that affect their personal lives, their families, their schools and their community and our country. If one does not have an understanding about our local, state and national government systems, there is a lost opportunity to engage and activate your voice that can help create our society.

We will provide hands on learning opportunities for our participants to see civics in action. Our goal is for our participants to leave the program understanding the power of their vote and how best to activate their voices in their communities.